(Road Legal) Licence Plates for use in the Rep of Ireland.
The format, dimensions and technical specifications of registration plates to be displayed on motor vehicles are
laid down by law in the Vehicle Registration and Taxation Regulations.
1. The periphery of the plate shall be marked all around by a black border.
2. The flag of the European Communities shall appear as a circle of twelve gold stars against a blue background (of a colour shade generally known as royal blue)
3. The letters IRL shall appear in white letters on the blue background of the flag of the European Communities underneath the circle of stars.
4. The placename (county of registration) shall appear in black letters above the identification mark.
5. The identification mark shall appear in black characters using a pre-set font.
6. There must be a hyphen either side of the Index mark as shown in Diagram 1 below.
7. When the registration is displayed over two lines as in Diagram 2 below, there is no need for a hyphen on the bottom row.
8. The plate shall exhibit the name of the county of registration (Placename) in Irish at the top of the plate.
9. The placename must match the Index mark, as set out in the table below.
10. No other numbers, letters or marks, etc. should appear on the plate.
Vehicles first brought into use on or before 31 December, 2012
This Registration plate format applies to all vehicles that were first registered, on or before 31 December 2012, either in Ireland or in another state.
Vehicles first registered in another state prior to 1 January 2013, and then imported into Ireland and registered, will be given a number plate of the format outlined below. The appropriate year index, applicable to the vehicle’s date of first registration in the other state, will be assigned.
Vehicles first brought into use on or after 1 January, 2013
This Registration plate format applies to all vehicles that were first registered, on or after 1 January 2013, either in Ireland or in another state.
Vehicles first registered in another state on or after 1 January 2013, and then imported into Ireland and registered, will be given a number plate of the format outlined below. The appropriate year index, applicable to the vehicle’s date of first registration in the other state, will be assigned.
As part of the Year index, an additional character, either '1' or '2', has been added.
The '1' indicates that the vehicle was first registered during the period 1 January to 30 June, in the year of registration.
The '2' indicates that the vehicle was first registered during the period 1 July to 31 December, in the year of registration.
The Registration Plate formats above do not apply to vehicles registered prior to 1 January, 1993, or to vehicles registered in the "ZV", "ZZ" or Trade Licence series.
The use of Registration Plates in a format other than those shown in Diagrams 1 & 2 above, is Prohibited by Law, and vehicle owners who use them may incur fines of up to €5,000.
How to Order
Go to our Standard Ireland Plates Constructor, input your registration, select the corresponding county that matches your index mark,
select your plate sizes then Add To Cart.
520mm X 152mm plate on a Nissan 370z